Stevens Design and Tully & Holland Unveil New Website

tully and holland webpage

Tully & Holland, a Boston-based investment bank established in 1992, provides merger and aquisition advisory and private placement services to consumer product companies world-wide. Tully & Holland’s deep industry knowledge and sophisticated financial experience produces innovative solutions for each clients needs. Tully & Holland’s recent transactions include such companies as Cains Foods, AmeriMark Direct, Cole Water Company LLC, Sundance Catalog and Silvestri.

The website includes a new design, revised navigation and updated content. It highlights the firm's financial expertise within the consumer products sector.

Because Tully & Holland’s new website needed to be updated regularly with new transactions and ongoing business news, it was important for them to be able to easily update content themselves. Stevens Design Studio built the website with a powerful Content Management System (CMS) that provided Tully & Holland with the ability to manage the website and it's content through an easy to use administrative interface. They can now add transactions, latest news articles and update information with a few simple clicks.

Visit to subscribe to their newsletter and begin to receive information on current deals and successful transactions and contact Stevens Design Studio to learn more about our CMS solution for your website.

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